How To Manage A Remote Team? 5 Successful Tactics

5 Effective Tactics For Managing A Remote Team
5 Effective Tactics For Managing A Remote Team

Without any doubt, we can all agree that since the recent pandemic, the way we work and conduct business has changed tremendously. With the rise of technology and connectivity, managing a remote team has become a common and valuable approach for many businesses.

Whether your team is spread across cities or continents, successful remote management is all about using smart tactics to keep everyone connected and motivated to improve overall productivity.

So, in this article, we present you with five simple yet powerful strategies that can help you lead your remote team to success.

Five Tactics to Successfully Manage a Remote Team

#1: Establish team rituals

The first thing you would have to prioritize when managing a remote team is gathering the troops! It is critical to hold regular team meetings to ensure that everyone is in line with the key goals and what has to be done next.

Regular team meetings are like friendly get-togethers online. They help your remote team stay connected, share updates, and solve challenges together. When you hire offshore web developers, these rituals become even more important for smooth teamwork.

So, plan weekly video calls or chats to discuss progress, share wins, and address concerns. Encourage team members to speak up about their work. Make it easy for them to share insights, ask for feedback, and learn from each other in such meetings.

#2: Prioritize meaningful work

When managing a remote team, focus on giving them tasks that matter. Choose work that makes them feel important and part of the big picture. Meaningful tasks keep them engaged and motivated to do their best.

So, set clear goals for each team member. Let them know how their work contributes to the overall project or company. Assign tasks that align with their skills and interests and show them the value their work brings. However, don’t forget to always acknowledge and celebrate their achievements. Making your remote employees feel valued can go a long way to boost their morale and effort.

#3: Keep a record of all important decisions

For each project, create a virtual “pulse room” (document, virtual whiteboard, Slack channel, or something else). This way, even if someone is unable to attend a team meeting or be in the center with the rest of the teammates, they may grasp the current state of the project and not feel left out or unwelcome.

#4: Help people find mentors

Supporting your remote team members in finding mentors can greatly boost their growth and confidence. When people have someone experienced to guide them, they can learn new skills, gain insights, and navigate challenges more easily.

A mentor can provide advice on industry best practices, offer career guidance, and help them feel more connected to the team, even from a distance. Helping your remote employees find mentors within your team will not only enhance individual development but also strengthen the team’s collective knowledge and skills.

#5: Use different communication styles

Nobody works the same way, yet it is our diversity that allows us to complement one another’s talents and, eventually, accomplish greater outcomes. All you have to do is approach your coworkers with empathy, make time to get to know each other, and create connections.

For example, take a poll and communicate with all team members to better understand each other, learn what you have in common, and discover what makes each special.

Analyze the findings and reflect on how your character qualities appear in the workplace; urge the team to develop a personal manifest to assist each other understand how to communicate and operate better together.

Each manifest should contain answers to the following questions:

  • How do you work with teams or individuals?
  • How do you like to chat or meet?
  • How do you like to leave or receive feedback?
  • How do you communicate?
  • How do you relate the values of our company to your personality?
  • I like it when my teammates…
  • I don’t like it when teammates…

Add all the manifests to your wiki for easy access to help new remote team members get to work faster!

Frequently Asked Questions about Managing Remote Teams

How can I effectively manage a remote team?

The most crucial aspect of managing a remote team is ensuring that every person is involved and understands their position in the team. Allow personal time for each employee and organize weekly meetings to match individual objectives with company goals.

How can I maintain communication between remote teams?

Managers must maintain open communication with their employees, as well as for employees to be able to speak freely with one another. Apps like Slack and Asana are excellent for keeping teams connected.

How can I motivate remote employees?

One of the advantages of working remotely is flexibility. You can allow employees to work on their terms, give them positive feedback and stimulate their success by offering bonuses if they or the team achieve certain goals.

Final note

Managing a remote team doesn’t have to be a hassle for you. With these tips we have mentioned in this post, you should be able to keep your team together and keep them motivated for the best productivity.