Why Was Flexeril Discontinued – The Fact and Some Alternatives

Why Was Flexeril Discontinued
Why Was Flexeril Discontinued

Perhaps you are also wondering why everyone keeps asking the same question: why was Flexeril discontinued in the U.S?

Once a commonly prescribed muscle relaxant, Flexeril, also known as cyclobenzaprine, has been taken off the pharmaceutical landscape in the United States. And its use has gone down in recent years due to growing concerns surrounding potential side effects, abuse, and dependency issues.

Flexeril’s various side effects and its classification as a controlled substance inevitably led to its removal from the market. The addictive nature of the drug raised serious red flags, prompting healthcare authorities to remove it from the market and replace it with safer alternatives.

If Flexeril has been your go-to drug for muscle spasm and pain but recently noticed it’s becoming really difficult to find it in stores, you should know it has been removed from the market. But why was Flexeril discontinued? In this post, we will take a deeper dive into the subject to help you see some issues that surrounded Flexeril’s removal in the U.S.

What Is Flexeril And What Is It Used For?

Before we go ahead to answer your question, ‘Why was Flexeril discontinued?’ Let’s quickly let you know what it is and what it can be used for.

So, what is Flexeril? It is a prescription drug that is often used in the treatment of muscle spasms and the discomfort they bring. As a muscle relaxant, it operates by blocking nerve signals, effectively reducing spasms and offering relief from pain. Typically, healthcare providers prescribe Flexeril for short-term usage, usually between two to three weeks.

Fleseril is also usually prescribed for treating various conditions linked to muscle spasms and pain, such as back pain, neck pain, and injuries affecting muscles or ligaments. It also proves valuable in managing fibromyalgia, a condition characterized by widespread pain and tenderness throughout the body.

Why Was Flexeril Discontinued In the United States?

Why Was Flexeril Discontinued
Why Was Flexeril Discontinued

In 2001, McNeil Consumer Healthcare, the manufacturer of Flexeril, made a surprising decision to stop the production and distribution of the medication, leaving patients and healthcare providers puzzled about its sudden disappearance.

We have also received a lot of queries about this same issue, where people keep asking why was Flexeril discontinued. So, in this section, we will be providing you with some reasons the production and distribution of this muscle relaxant was stopped.

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#1: The Effectiveness of Flexeril

Flexeril gained widespread popularity for its effectiveness in alleviating muscle spasms. Clinical studies demonstrated its ability to significantly reduce pain and improve mobility in patients with musculoskeletal conditions such as sprains, strains, and lower back pain.

However, recently, there have been some studies suggesting that the drug may not be more effective that a placebo for treating muscle spasms and that its effectiveness varies between individuals. The studies reported that the drug has lost its effectiveness and that other relaxant may be more effective.

#2: Safety Concerns

Another major factor that led to Flexeril being discontinues is because of the safety concerns surrounding the drug. While it proved beneficial for short-term use, prolonged or excessive usage led to harmful effects. Side effects like fatigue, dry mouth, dizziness, blurred vision, and impaired cognitive function raised red flags.

At the same time, the potential for misuse and dependency, especially when combined with other medications and alcohol, further contributed to the decision.

#3: The Growth of Better Alternatives

As pharmaceutical research progressed, safer alternatives to Flexeril emerged. Patients and healthcare providers favored newer muscle relaxants and medications due to their reduced side effects and lower addiction potential.

Because of this, the use of Flexeril began to dwindle until it became a major concern to the manufacturing company, making them to reevaluate its viability.

#4: Regulatory Changes and Guidelines

Changes in regulatory requirements and medical guidelines also played a role in Flexeril’s discontinuation. Health experts continually evaluate the safety and efficacy of medicines, which can play a huge role in whether doctors will keep prescribing such a drug or not.

That means there are times when even drugs that have always been known as standard treatment get abandoned because there are now new recommendations that prove safer and better. And that’s exactly the case of Flexeril. There are now lots of other effective relaxants that do not only prove to be more effective than Flexeril but also with fewer side effects.

#5: Shift Toward Non-Pharmacological Treatments

When we talk about, ‘Why was Flexeril discontinued?’ we are definitely going to mention the impact of the growing focus on non-pharmacological treatments for muscle conditions. Physical therapy, exercise, and alternative therapies have now gained recognition for their ability to manage muscle spasms and pain. As more individuals explore non-medication approaches to improve their health, the reliance on medications like Flexeril has reduced.

What Are Some Side Effects of Flexeril?

Flexeril Discontinued
Flexeril Discontinued

While Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine) effectively relieves muscle spasms and associated pain, like any medication, it may bring some side effects. These side effects can range from mild to severe depending on the individual. So, let’s quickly consider some of the most common side effect recorded with Flexeril.

Fatigue and drowsiness: One of the most common side effects of Flexeril is feeling tired or sleepy. This can hamper a person’s ability to focus, operate machinery, or perform tasks requiring mental alertness.

Dry mouth: Flexeril can cause dryness in the mouth, leading to discomfort or an increased risk of dental issues if not managed appropriately.

Dizziness and unsteadiness: Some individuals may experience feelings of unsteadiness or dizziness, especially when changing positions. Tiredness and gastrointestinal issues, such as nausea or constipation, may also occur. Flexeril may also affect cognitive functions, making it difficult for some people to think clearly and remember things.

Allergic reactions: Although not very common, allergic reactions to the medication are possible. Signs of an allergic reaction may include a rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, or difficulty breathing.

Drug Interactions Concerns of Flexeril

Flexeril may interact with other medications, resulting in potentially harmful effects. So, if you are asking, ‘Why was Flexeril discontinued’ because you are concerned about the few in your hands, you need to seek the consent of your healthcare provider before going ahead with it.

Certain medications, like monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can increase the risk of serotonin syndrome when taken with Flexeril. Serotonin syndrome is a serious condition that can lead to dangerous symptoms, such as confusion, agitation, rapid heartbeat, and elevated body temperature.

To avoid potential interactions and ensure your safety, always keep your healthcare provider informed about all the substances you are taking, and follow their guidance closely during your treatment with Flexeril.

What Does Flexeril Do to the Brain?

Flexeril functions as a muscle relaxant by acting on the brain to alleviate pain and tension. It works by blocking nerve impulses responsible for pain. With that, the drug enables the muscles to relax, reducing spasms and easing muscle stiffness, leading to improved range of motion.

Also, Flexeril can influence certain brain chemicals, helping to alleviate anxiety and promote sleep. That is why some healthcare providers may prescribe it for conditions like fibromyalgia, sciatica, or neck and back pain.

Potential for Abuse

Despite its therapeutic benefits, Flexeril carries a significant potential for abuse and misuse. As a centrally-acting muscle relaxant, it can induce sedation and a feeling of relaxation. Unfortunately, some individuals may be inclined to take higher doses than prescribed or use Flexeril recreationally to experience a euphoric effect.

The misuse of Flexeril can lead to serious consequences, such as dependence and addiction. Continued and uncontrolled use may also result in adverse health effects and put individuals at risk of physical and psychological harm.

Can Flexeril Damage Your Kidneys?

Flexeril does not inherently have adverse effects on the kidneys. However, caution is warranted when considering long-term or excessive use.

Prolonged use of Flexeril may lead to a decline in kidney function, potentially resulting in kidney failure. It is crucial for patients taking Flexeril to be under the careful monitoring of their healthcare provider. Depending on their individual medical history and condition, adjustments to the dosage or consideration of alternative medications may be necessary to safeguard kidney health.

Why Was Flexeril Discontinued: Some Alternatives to Try

Now that you have seen why was Flexeril discontinued, let’s talk about some alternatives available. Yes, there are many alternative treatment options you can consider to effectively muscle spasm and some pain that come with it. Let’s talk about a few of them.

  • Alternative Medication

Several medications can serve as alternatives to Flexeril for managing muscle spasms and pain. Some commonly prescribed options include:

  • Tizanidine (Zanaflex): Similar efficacy to Flexeril with fewer sedating effects.
  • Baclofen (Lioresal): Reduces muscle spasticity and stiffness through its action on the central nervous system.
  • Methocarbamol (Robaxin): Works by depressing the central nervous system to relieve muscle spasms and pain.
  • Carisoprodol (Soma): This is another medication popularly known for its muscle-relaxing properties. It also helps in treating short-term pain and discomfort and so often prescribed as Flexeril alternative.
  • Valium (Diazepam): Also known as Diazepam, Valium is effective for treating muscle spasm and tension.
  • Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a vital approach for managing muscle spasms and improving muscle function. A licensed physical therapist can design a personalized treatment plan comprising exercises, stretches, and manual therapies to reduce pain, increase flexibility, and strengthen muscles.

  • Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

Over-the-counter or prescription NSAIDs, like ibuprofen or naproxen, can effectively reduce inflammation and alleviate pain associated with muscle spasms.

  • Acupuncture

Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese medical practice, involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. This has also been shown to provide relief from muscle spasms and promote overall relaxation when performed by a licensed acupuncturist.

  • Heat and Cold Therapy

Applying heat or cold to the affected area can relax muscles and relieve pain. Heat therapy, such as using a heating pad or warm bath, increases blood flow and reduces stiffness. Cold therapy, like using an ice pack, helps numb the area and reduce inflammation.


Why Was Flexeril Discontinued?

Flexeril was discontinued primarily due to safety concerns, including potential side effects, risk of abuse, and dependency issues. But there are also some other factors that led to the discontinuation of the drug, such as the rise of safer alternatives and questions concerning its effectiveness.

Is Flexeril Completely Discontinued Worldwide?

No, although Flexeril is discontinued in most countries, there are still some countries where the drug is still in sales. However, the company manufacturing the drug had stopped its production and distribution. So it is a matter before it eventually vanishes from the market across the globe.

Can Flexeril Be Addictive?

Yes, Flexeril has the potential for abuse and addiction if misused or taken in excessive amounts. There have been several reported cases about this. And so, healthcare providers often keep a close eye when they prescribe Flexeril to their patients.

Can I Take Flexeril with alcohol?

 It is not recommended to take Flexeril with alcohol, as combining the two can enhance the sedative effects and increase the risk of drowsiness and impaired cognitive function. This combination can also lead to dangerous outcomes and should be avoided. Always consult your doctor or healthcare provider before combining Flexeril with any other substances, including alcohol.