Managing A Remote Team In 2023: Five Tips and Practices

Managing A Remote Team In 2023: Five Tips and Practices
Managing A Remote Team In 2023: Five Tips and Practices

Nowadays, when many office-based companies achieve the exact critical deliverables and maintain performance through remote working, there are many reasons why you should at least consider the possibility of embracing this remote way of working for your company. 

As a matter of fact, according to a report, 99% of remote workers would like to work remotely at least some of the time for the rest of their careers, so why not grant them the possibility to fulfill this dream of theirs when they’re at your company? 

Nevertheless, to manage a remote team as efficiently as possible, first, you must know what goes into managing a remote workforce and learn the best remote team management techniques because having a team working from home or anywhere in the world significantly varies from managing an in-house team.

In addition, with the growing trend of embracing flexible working culture in the worldwide business environment, you ought to know that managing virtual teams also calls for a significant change in your team’s mission statement, the way you do work reports, and the overall methodology of how things get done.

Here are some pointers for managing remote workers and implementing innovative techniques to help your employees stay productive and motivated even though they’ll be working from the comfort of their homes. 

Use A Monitoring Software To Ensure That Everyone Stays On Top Of Their Game

Employee monitoring software is a tool that allows managers to monitor employee computer activities during working hours. This can include monitoring internet usage, keystrokes, and company software usage, which can help you acknowledge whether a team member is doing a good job. 

This software is often used to ensure that employees stay on task and avoid engaging in activities that could be detrimental to the company. In 2023, when managing a remote team, employee monitoring software could be the most critical tool for you as a manager to ensure that remote workers stay productive and are hands-on with company tasks. 

However, it is essential to use this software ethically and transparently and to communicate clearly with employees about how the data collected will be used.

Instill Independence Within Your Employees

The work itself and the outside environment present various challenges and opportunities for remote employees. For that reason, from time to time, you can encourage all of your employees to hop on a company call from their nearest park or take a free afternoon when there are no scheduled meetings. 

Creating a culture of independence and self-reliance among your team is one of the most crucial components of learning how to manage staff remotely. Your employees need to be aware that they can strike a balance between the demands of their jobs and the needs of their personal lives and hobbies. By establishing a sense of independence, you will assist them in locating, cultivating, and improving their work-life balance.

Set an example by scheduling time in your calendar and the activities you enjoy doing on your own. Or, if you decide to take a yoga class, make it possible for your team members to participate in the session and enjoy a shared experience. Independence of this kind is an essential factor in the performance of a remote team.

Make Your Regular Team Meetings Less Formal

In addition to having weekly one-on-one meetings, it is essential to hold a virtual meeting with all of your remote employees at least once per week so that your employees don’t lose that sense of togetherness and remain in high team spirits even though they do not see each other in the office anymore. 

However, while maintaining a professional and productive atmosphere, these discussions should also allow for some humor and empathy to slither in. There is nothing wrong with an occasional youngster running through the room or a dog barking, so encourage your employees to attend these meetings in their natural habitat and feel as comfortable as possible even though you’ll be discussing serious company matters.

Learn How To Approve The Occasional Distraction Or Two

It is at least necessary to understand that distractions will be much more often when working from home than in an office environment before learning how to manage a team remotely. When we work remotely, things like Twitter, Netflix, dogs, kids, and the calm of the couch don’t just vanish. There will inevitably be distractions during the day.

It’s crucial that you, as the manager, approve of the occasional diversion. Show your team that you don’t mind taking the odd Twitter break or playing with the dog. Fighting these unavoidable and good distractions is pointless.

Remember To Make Personal Check-Ins With Your Employees

This may seem obvious if you have a small team, but it’s important to spend one-on-one time with each team member. Ideally, your team won’t require constant monitoring, but everyone must understand they can turn to one another for necessary support. As a leader, giving your employees a place to talk about any issues they feel uncomfortable bringing up in front of others is critical.

Consider setting up 10 or 15 minutes once or twice a week to talk one-on-one with each team member. Make sure your team is aware of your availability outside those hours in case anything arises. It may take trial and error to determine the frequency of contact that works for you and your team as you learn how to manage them remotely because you don’t want to be invasive or inefficient with unneeded daily meetings.

Final Thoughts

Working from home has numerous benefits, both professionally and personally. Recognize the benefits of working remotely, and do what you can to help your coworkers take advantage of those benefits. 

Developing a productive workplace that caters to the requirements of each individual requires striking a careful balance. You should be able to effectively lead a remote team, maintain performance standards, and realize the perks of working remotely if you follow the guidelines we’ve offered above.