What Do Pearls Symbolize?

What Do Pearls Symbolize?
What Do Pearls Symbolize?

 If you are a lover of fashion and you love to connect very well with nature, then you should have jewellery made of pearls – whether it’s a necklace or bracelet. A pearl is a strong, shiny object which is usually obtained from animals from the water. It is one of the world’s most loved, treasured, and ever sought-after gemstones.  

Pearls are integral to the development of the various civilizations of the world, from Egypt to Rome. Right from these ancient times, pearls have been so craved. In fact, they were at some point used as a medium of exchange for goods and services. Pearls are also considered a gift meant for kings and nobles. Even today, they are often referred to as the queen or mother of all gemstones.  

However, even though pearls are loved and used by many, not everyone understands the significance of these gemstones. If you are wondering what pearls symbolize, this article will be of great help. 

The Significance of Pearls in Different Legends

One obvious fact about pearls is their timeless aesthetic value and noble uniqueness among all gemstones; this explains their popularity and wide acceptance across all continents on the globe. 

Since its use and significance span across civilizations all over the world, what pearls symbolize; what it stands for and means differs from one civilization to another. 

Every civilization has its myths and legends about pearls. Interestingly, these myths have somehow shaped what we believe and know about pearls. The following are what pearls symbolize in the various legends of different civilizations:

#1: Ancient Japanese mythology 

The legend of the ancient people of Japan explained that pearls were formed by the tears of supernatural creatures such as angels, mermaids, and even nymphs. Therefore, to them, Pearls has a mystical, extraordinary significance – it is a supernatural object. 

#2: Ancient Persian mythology  

According to ancient Persian texts, it is believed that pearls are products of storms. They come into existence whenever the sky comes in contact with the earth. These texts further revealed that the imperfect nature of pearls could be attributed to lightning, thunder, and strong winds that usually accompany storms. 

#3: Ancient Egyptian Mythology 

For ancient Egyptians, pearls symbolize great value. This is because they placed a lot of value on pearls such that they were buried with their owners. Whenever the myth of pearls in Egypt is explained, the famous story of Cleopatra and Marc Anthony comes to the fore. 

This mythical story explains that Cleopatra, a ruler of ancient Egypt, dissolved the pearls on her earring and drank them just to spite Marc Anthony, a Roman politician. She did that to prove that the wealth of a nation can be garnered in a cup and drained down the throat of a mortal in a single moment. 

#4: Ancient Chinese Mythology 

According to the legends in ancient China, pearls, especially black ones, were very valuable and symbolic. They were associated with courage and wisdom. The reason for this is that it was believed that pearls develop in the head of a dragon and then deposited in the teeth of the dragon when the development is complete. 

Therefore, for anyone to have a black pearl, that person must have the wisdom and courage to kill a dragon to have access to such a precious gem 

#5: Roman History 

According to the historical texts of ancient Rome, a pearl is a symbol of wealth and class. Julius Ceaser, an empire at that time, prohibited the poor from wearing any pearl that was obtained from the sea. 

#6: Tahitian mythology 

In ancient Tahiti, the beautiful south sea pearl symbolizes love. This is because when Oro, the god of childbearing and peace, visited the earth, He rode on a rainbow and a mystical oyster. Inside that magical oyster was a pearl which he offered to Princess Bora Bora as a token of his strong affection for her. 

What Pearls Symbolize Based On Different Religions  

Religion has always had a strong influence on man’s perception of things, and the meaning of pearls was not equally left out. While some of them are considered a mere myth, they hold sway in the understanding of their devoted with regarding what pearls signify. 

The following are what pearls symbolize in various religions:

  • In Islam:

According to the Holy Quran, pearls are associated with perfection as they can only be found in paradise. They are seen as one of the rewards to be offered to individuals who will make it there by living a pious life here on earth.

  • In Christianity:

According to the Holy Bible, pearls symbolize purity or sacred objects or objects of value. This is seen in the parables that Jesus Christ used in His teachings. He used as an analogy from something of great value that should be guarded, treasured, and not given to swine. 

It was also used in one of the Pauline epistles as an analogy for describing the purity of the church in an impure world. 

  • Among the Hindus:

Pearls have different meanings among the Hindus. It is described as the dew drops from the sky during the night time of a full moon into the sea. The meaning of pearls cannot be detached from the Hindu story of Krishna, who was the first to pick a pearl from the sea and give it to his daughter on her wedding day. 

The pearl, a wedding gift, symbolizes purity, intimacy, and love. Till today, pearls and weddings are often associated with Hindu weddings. 


Do pearls have any spiritual meaning?

Yes, pearls are known to represent wisdom gained over the ages. These sea gems are seen to offer protection to warriors who wear them to war or other expeditions. They signify the purity and integrity of the bearer. 

Are pearls associated with luck?

Yes, of course. In most folk stories, they are given to kind individuals as a reward for their kindness. It is believed that it is capable of bringing them good luck, great riches, and long-lasting wealth.

What we think about pearls today 

Today, a pearl is seen as a beautiful accessory that complements one’s dressing. It makes a woman look much younger and more beautiful. It speaks a lot about the class and comportment of the wearer. If you want to be addressed as such, then get a piece of pearl jewellery.