7 Recommended tools for a SEO Agency Startup

7 Recommended tools for a SEO Agency Startup
7 Recommended tools for a SEO Agency Startup

Are you struggling to build your SEO agency startup? Or how do you build an SEO agency startup? To build awareness, startups must gain the attention of as many people as possible. 

In this case, you can begin exhibiting your services by using a website that has been organized and optimized properly. Because it will enable people to better understand your startup and get familiar with your company, the content that you provide on your website will be comparable to a valuable asset for you.

If you want to achieve long-term exposure you have to get assistance from search engine optimization, often known as SEO, which can push your website to the top of the results page when people search for your keywords.

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

When someone types a term into a search box, the goal of search engine optimization is to increase the ranking of a website and all of its pages, preferably at the top of the list. There is a greater likelihood of people clicking on the link to your website if the audience can see your website’s page displayed in the upper half of the first page of the results page. 

The optimization process is a complex method that can only be completed successfully with the assistance of trained SEO specialists and highly recommended SEO tools. By using suitable SEO tools you can get your desired outcomes. 

What exactly are these SEO tools?

The SEO tools give about the overall performance of your website. These tools help you identify weaknesses and flaws that may prevent you from ranking and getting exposure on search engine results pages (SERPs). 

These tools are used for analytical analysis, SEO for WordPress, keyword research, link building, competitive research, to grow on-page and off-page SEO of a website, and to grow the speed of a website. Tools for SEO may be really helpful, but to get the most out of them, you need to have a good understanding of how to utilize them. 

7 Recommended SEO tools


ETTVI is a well-known provider of search engine optimization (SEO) products and services. This SEO tool lists a large number of content optimization and related functions. ETTVI is one of the highly recommended tools which has more than 100 SEO tools at a time. This website has a wide range of useful features, and some of them are mentioned here.

To begin with, you need to know how many search queries a user may make. There are no restrictions on how many posts you can scan for plagiarism, paraphrasing, summarization, etc. You can download and use plugins for the tools listed on the page. 

ETTVI has all kind of SEO tools from auditing the site to conducting a comprehensive research process, ETTVI striving to develop highly functional and efficient SEO tools for your substantial growth.

You can use ETVVI for free and has access to more than 100 SEO tools which will definitely help while ranking your website.


Praphraser.io is another best and highly recommended tool for an SEO agency startup. It is a free service where users can use a paraphrasing tool to create original content. In addition to rewriting and paraphrasing articles, paraphraser.io provides a powerful online tool for eliminating plagiarism known as a plagiarism checker tool. 

However, this is an entirely legal instrument. The best thing is that you don’t have to pay money to utilize it. This tool’s finest feature is that it rephrases content in a way that makes it impossible to tell whether the content was written by a person or by technology. Because this tool works on artificial intelligence, and this rewriter is based on NLP. 

With this tool, you’ll get a lot of freebies. It’s a web-based tool for precisely altering existing content. You don’t have to be concerned about plagiarism or duplication using this program. Content quality is not harmed, and the original meaning is preserved by using this tool. 

It will replace the original language, with natural and understandable synonyms to reword content. This application is easy to use for both students and scholars. You may produce as many articles as you need to test your SEO and marketing techniques utilizing the web interface and mobile apps.


One of the most highly recommended SEO tools available online is called Ahrefs. It ranks second to Google in terms of the number of websites that it crawls. Because it is the most effective SEO analysis tool currently available in the market.

 Ahrefs’ Site Audit tool is a favorite among SEO professionals. This tool will identify the areas of your website that need modification to get a higher ranking in search engines. When doing a study of your competition, you will most likely utilize Ahrefs to find out which websites connect to your opponents’ pages so that you can model your marketing strategy after theirs. 

Additionally, you can also see what the audience is looking for. You may also use this SEO tool to locate the content that is most linked to your specific topic, search for and get an overview of the pages on your site that are doing the best. 


Moz is one of the most effective search engine optimization (SEO) tools available, and the best option for startups. Your startup will almost certainly profit from the many features that it has. This tool provides several different optimization functions, including rank tracking, an SEO toolbar, keyword research, an SEO audit and crawl, research on backlinks, and more.

There is no need to pay money to use this tool. However, after the trial time is up, you will be required to pay to continue using some of the services. On the other hand, a large number of additional functions will continue to be offered at no cost.

These tools are sufficient for ranking many small businesses and startups. You will be able to check your ranking outcomes and keep track of keywords if you make use of these free tools. In addition to that, you may do efficient on-page optimizations, link tracking, and a lot of other optimization procedures.

You have to Keep in mind that the success of your attempts to develop a genuine agency for your startup will be dependent on the high position that your website achieves in the search results. 

You won’t even be able to think about growing your brand until you’ve made it possible for clients to more easily find their way across your website. In this sense, this tool is helpful to you in many different ways.

Yoast SEO 

Producing high-quality content is what will turn the top keywords you’ve researched into valuable assets for your startup. Additionally, certain helpful tools are available to you in this regard. 

If you write and publish your content online and use WordPress as your blogging platform, you have access to one of the most effective and widely utilized search engine optimization (SEO) tools in the world known as Yoast SEO. 

Yoast SEO is a plugin that not only assists you in writing texts that are more appealing to readers but also helps you in other ways. It can check for the use of a term for readability and internal linkage.

You may also enhance the quality of content you have by enhancing ranking, and telling Google what your page’s topic matter is. Starting with the free version will give you everything you need to get up and running with SEO, but Yoast Pro is not excessively expensive and can produce outstanding results for search engine optimization.


SEMrush is one of the greatest SEO tools available, making it an excellent choice for any pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign. It is of particular use to you in doing keyword research and PPC analysis. However, the tool is also helpful in gaining knowledge about competitive research and backlink analysis. 

It supplies the SEO pros with the full process. You will receive an analysis of the technical SEO, a collection of the competitive intelligence, and ideas for increasing your organic traffic. This SEO solution may fulfill all of a startup’s SEO needs, making it particularly useful for businesses operating in highly competitive fields. 

When you and your team finally get this information, it will be enough on its own to develop your SEO plan. If the results of the SEO tools show that anything is wrong with the website pages, you should keep in mind that you should consider fresh ideas for visual design so that you may reconstruct your website.

Google Pagespeed Insights 

Finally, we have Google Page Speed Insights, an SEO tool for blogs that does exactly what its name implies: it measures the time it takes for a page to load. As you can expect, page load speed has an impact on SEO. Users and search engines alike will have a better experience on a web page that loads quickly for them.

A solid SEO strategy relies heavily on loading speed and responsiveness. Google’s Page Speed Insights may help you analyze the speed of your blog and provide a better user experience. It is possible, however, to make improvements to your website in terms of security, speed of loading, and overall user experience.

You can improve your website visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and its perceived value for visitors by using the finest SEO tactics. Working hard, putting in the time, and being consistent are all prerequisites for successful Search Engine Optimization. Fortunately, with the correct SEO tools, you may lessen all of these requirements and speed up your website’s rise in an exposure. 


To begin an SEO agency startup, you are going to have to put in a lot of effort. This requires you to produce content that is optimized for search engines like Google, rewrite all of your product descriptions, and make revisions. But you can’t do it manually. You have to take assistance from SEO tools. 

To improve the position of your website and its content inside the search results, you will need to review your SEO strategy and make use of the most effective SEO tools. Most of the tools are reasonable given the limited resources that are available to startups, yet they are efficient in accomplishing their goals.