Improving Customer Satisfaction With Phone Call Analytics

Improving Customer Satisfaction With Phone Call Analytics
Improving Customer Satisfaction With Phone Call Analytics

Keeping a customer satisfied is the ultimate goal of any marketer. Many business owners need help to monitor whether their marketing is satisfactory for individual clients. That is where call analytics comes into play – it is one of the most efficient ways to boost customer satisfaction. 

Call analytics provides access to a great variety of data to analyze. Calls can help you build stronger personal connections with customers and understand their needs better. Additionally, you can identify weak points of your marketing approach and develop effective growth strategies leading to improved conversion.  

In this post, we will be discussing in more detail what call analytics is and how you can improve customer satisfaction using contact center analytics software. Just keep reading!  

What Is Call Analytics, and How Does It Work?

The idea behind call analytics is simple: you use phone calls to collect any relevant data about your customers and their interaction with your brand. Unfortunately, marketers and business owners often underestimate the role of call analytics solutions in improving customer satisfaction and their digital marketing output. 

With the recent development of call analytics tools, you can have access to the following data: 

  • Caller general info
  • Call time/hold duration
  •  Lead score
  • Call transcription 
  • Product Interest

Tracking and analyzing these metrics can play a crucial role in helping to improve customer satisfaction. Now, let’s talk more about the actual technology at the core of call analytics software. 

What Technologies Does Call Analytics Use?

Call analytics deploys several different strategies to collect relevant data. The most common call analytics software technologies include: 

  • Call tracking: Call tracking collects various data (contact details, the overall number of calls, call length, etc.).
  • Call recording: Call recording involves recording phone conversations to ensure service quality.
  • Call reporting: This generates reports to measure the company’s performance.
  • Speech analytics: Analyzes recorded conversations to identify keywords, themes, and customer behavior.

Now, let’s look at how call center analytics tools work with these technologies. Suppose your company has a website promoting a product. You drive traffic to a website using social media posts, blogs, and paid ads.

Call tracking analytics technology collects different types of attribution data, like information on what landing page generated the lead, what type of traffic brought the lead to your page, etc.

Such detailed analysis of your target audience optimizes follow-up interaction of sales representatives with customers. According to recent studies, phone calls are especially effective in getting consumers’ initial attention.

Therefore, American top sales performers make 82% more cold calls than low performers. In other words, phone calls empowered by sales call analytics systems remain among the most effective sales solutions. You may want to check out how you can make call tracking and distribution much simpler with Phonexa’s call logic.

How Do You Improve Customer Satisfaction With Call Analytics?

As a solopreneur, marketing expert, or business owner, you can benefit significantly from call analytics software. If you recognize the importance of customer satisfaction for your company’s success, the call analytics and tracking features may interest you. Let’s look at some tasks that call analytics software can perform. 

#1: Build Your Database and Segment the Audience

Using third-party cookies to build a customer database is becoming more complex. Google has announced its plans to end third-party cookies in Chrome by the end of 2024. An excellent way to overcome these limitations is to gather callers’ data via phone.  

Once you have collected the data, you can deploy call analytics to scan calls and identify a group your marketing campaign will target effectively. 

There’s no denying that personalizing your business interaction with customers is essential for improving customer satisfaction. Combined with audience segmentation, it enables the delivery of highly personalized marketing messages to specific consumers.

#2: Analyze Customer Journey

Use phone call analytics to spot marketing strategies that drive high conversion rates. Analyze call outcomes to pinpoint influential marketing trends and boost marketing ROI. In addition, this will help you redistribute your resources wisely and deliver customized messages to your potential customers. Learn more about how you can optimize ROI with Facebook ads in our recent blog post. 

#3: Optimize Marketing Campaigns 

Improve customer satisfaction by developing highly personalized and optimized marketing campaigns. Phone analytics can help you connect calls to keywords or websites that initiated them.

You can also segment the web page elements into those that brought quality customer calls and those that demotivated potential clients. With all this knowledge, you can improve search bids and promptly modify campaign messages. 

#4: Improve Customer Service 

Call center analytics software provides endless opportunities to improve your customer service. Customer satisfaction relies heavily on their interaction with customer support representatives. So, it is essential to monitor calls and collect feedback from customers.

On top of that, call analytics platforms can help to analyze successful and failed calls closely to determine what works best to avoid lost opportunities. You can train your employees to optimize performance by selecting successful phone call management patterns. 

#5: Increase Customer Loyalty 

Customer satisfaction is the key to customer loyalty. Gaining customers’ trust has always been challenging. In today’s competitive marketing environment, it is getting even more difficult. For instance, 51% of customers are ready to give up on a brand if their customer service is terrible. 

Call center analytics software can save the day. Analytics calls tracking has all the tools and features in place to determine customers’ tone of voice and learn whether support representatives handle conversations professionally and treat customers nicely.

Bringing in a new customer, especially a younger Gen Z  audience, is challenging.  So, it makes retaining existing ones with the calls analytics platforms worth trying. 

#6: Maintain Compliance

Post-call analytics can help ensure compliance and handle your support team’s performance. Speech analytics can promptly spot non-compliant actions and remark and tackle the issue without considerable loss of customer loyalty. As a result, you will obtain better business results and higher customer satisfaction rates. 

Final Note

Phone calls remain an effective tool for improving conversion rates, boosting customer satisfaction and retention, and generating revenue. By using call tracking, recording, call reporting, and speech analytics, you can track and evaluate customer journeys and ensure accurate attribution.

You can also use call analytics software to boost customer satisfaction levels. This is possible by monitoring recorded calls and analyzing factors contributing to customer loyalty. After all, phone call analytics can help you maximize the performance of your customer service reps and keep your clients satisfied.