How to improve collaboration between your organisation’s onsite and remote workers

How to improve collaboration between your organisation’s onsite and remote workers
How to improve collaboration between your organisation’s onsite and remote workers

With more and more workers becoming remote or hybrid, it’s more important than ever that collaboration and communication between onsite and remote workers are the best that they can be. Nothing can fully replace classic face-to-face connection, but there are ways that businesses can make use of technology to help improve collaboration and maintain connections. 

Here are some ways that collaboration can be improved between your organization’s onsite and remote workers. 

Spread positivity 

As cliched as it sounds, spreading positivity is vital in times of uncertainty and change. Getting caught up in negativity can make it a lot harder for both onsite and remote workers to focus and can have a lasting effect on working relationships. 

A simple way to combat negative feelings and help bridge any gaps that may have occurred is to simply spread positivity as much as possible. Something as small as sharing a laugh can help to put workers into a better frame of mind and aid in more effective collaboration. 

Socialize virtually 

When spending eight or more hours at work each day, casual friendships are likely to crop up. Those working remotely may feel as though they’re missing out on a large part of their social life. Despite not being in the office, remote workers can still socialize with onsite workers by turning to technology. 

Zoom, Google Chat, and Microsoft teams are just a few examples of the many ways that our methods of socialization are evolving. There are still many options available for those who want to get that sense of community without being in the same place. 

Ensure communication is clear 

It’s important to get communication right, especially when some of your workforce is remote and some are online. Ensuring that teams have the right tools to be able to effectively communicate is vital. Microsoft Teams telephony is the new way of collaboration on Microsoft Teams and works well for improving team productivity. 

It can be especially difficult for remote workers to interpret messages when they don’t have body language to rely on, so make sure that when drafting emails and messages, you aren’t ambiguous in any way. When everybody is on the same page, collaboration is a lot easier and likely to be a lot more effective. 

Be adaptive 

Make flexibility a priority within your workforce. Encourage your teams to work in whichever way is best for them – as long as it’s following company guidelines, etc. There isn’t likely to be a one size fits all approach when it comes to effective collaboration between onsite and remote teams, so try different methods and see what works best. 

Perhaps a variety of virtual activities keep your teams connected, aid communication, and ensure productivity levels are high, but equally, some workers might personally wish to keep things a little more professional. Either way, remind yourself that flexibility is key when it comes to ensuring that your organization’s onsite and remote workers collaborate with each other to the best of their ability. 

And there you have it – just a few ways that you can improve collaboration between your employees in the office and work from home.