How Might You Add Keystone Species to the Concept Map?

How Might You Add Keystone Species to the Concept Map
How Might You Add Keystone Species to the Concept Map

‘How might you add keystone species to the concept map?’ If you are also out here looking for an answer to this question, we are sure this article will help.

From the towering redwoods of California to the colorful coral reefs of the tropics, Earth’s ecosystems are teeming with life. But some species have a more significant impact on these habitats than others.

Known as keystone species, these organisms play a critical role in maintaining the health and diversity of their ecosystems. Despite their often small or inconspicuous appearance, keystone species are essential components of complex food webs and ecological communities.

So, in this article, we’ll explore what keystone species are, how they operate, and why they are crucial to the survival of many other species on our planet. By the end of reading this post, we believe you would already have comprehensive knowledge about the subject. So, let’s get in!

How Might You Add Keystone Species to the Concept Map?

  1. Keystone species increase competition among all populations in a community.
  2. Keystone species are the most abundant members of communities.
  3. Keystone species always live with other species in symbiosis.
  4. Keystone species influence the diversity of communities.

Let’s start with answering the question of the day, ‘How might you add keystone species to the concept map?’ Most times, when this question comes up, it is usually followed typically by the options above. So, which of them is correct?

Here, the correct answer is option D. Keystone species influence the diversity of communities. Wondering why it is so? Don’t worry, we will quickly explain the answer now and go into it deeply in other sections of the post.


Adding Keystone species to the concept map can be done by identifying their role in the ecosystem. Keystone species are defined as species that have a disproportionate effect on their environment compared to their abundance. They play a crucial role in maintaining the balance and stability of their ecosystems.

For example, sea otters are considered a keystone species because their presence in a coastal ecosystem influences the abundance of other species, such as sea urchins, which in turn affects the diversity of kelp forests.

Removing sea otters from the ecosystem can cause a trophic cascade, resulting in the loss of kelp forests and the animals that depend on them.

Therefore, adding Keystone species to the concept map should focus on their role in regulating the diversity and abundance of other species in the ecosystem.

Option D is the most accurate choice as it correctly reflects the importance of Keystone species in shaping the community’s diversity.

Now that you know the answer to the question, let’s take a step further away from ‘Which might you add keystone species to the concept map’ and look in-depth into what keystone species are and why they are important to any ecosystem.

What Exactly Are Keystone Species?

Keystone species are defined as species whose impact on the ecosystem is disproportionate to their abundance or biomass. In other words, they are not necessarily the most numerous or largest organisms in a community, but they play a critical role in maintaining the balance and function of that community.

Keystone species can be predators, herbivores, pollinators, engineers, or any other functional group that has a significant impact on the ecosystem.

How Did the Concept of Keystone Species Start?

The concept was first proposed by the ecologist Robert Paine in the 1960s. Paine conducted experiments in intertidal rocky shores in Washington state, where he removed the top predator, a starfish called Pisaster ochraceus, from the ecosystem.

He observed that the absence of Pisaster led to an explosion in the population of its prey, mussels, which outcompeted other organisms for space and resources, reducing the diversity of the community.

Thus, Paine concluded that Pisaster was a keystone species that regulated the diversity and structure of the rocky shore ecosystem.

Since then, scientists have identified many other keystone species in different types of ecosystems, such as seagrass meadows, savannas, and wetlands. The importance of keystone species lies in their ability to exert indirect effects on the ecosystem by influencing the abundance, distribution, or behavior of other species.

They may create or modify habitats, control the population of other species, or facilitate interactions among different species. Without keystone species, ecosystems may lose their resilience and stability, leading to cascading effects on the entire community.

What Is the Importance of Keystone Species?

Keystone species play a vital role in maintaining the health and diversity of ecosystems. Here are some of the key reasons why they are so important:

#1: Maintain biodiversity

Keystone species help to maintain the biodiversity of ecosystems by regulating the abundance and distribution of other species. They may control the populations of certain species, prevent the overgrowth of others, or create habitats that allow for the survival of multiple species.

By keeping the ecosystem in balance, these species ensure that a wide variety of organisms can coexist and thrive.

#2: Enhance ecosystem services

Ecosystem services are the benefits that humans derive from natural ecosystems, such as clean water, fertile soil, and pollination. Keystone species often provide critical ecosystem services by regulating nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, and water quality.

For example, beavers are a keystone species in wetland ecosystems, as their dam-building activities create ponds that serve as habitats for many other species and filter pollutants from the water.

#3: Increase ecological resilience

Ecological resilience is the ability of an ecosystem to withstand and recover from disturbances, such as natural disasters, climate change, or human activities. Keystone species can increase ecological resilience by providing a buffer against environmental changes or by facilitating the recovery of the ecosystem after a disturbance.

Good examples are the elephants in African savannas. These elephants are keystone species in the ecosystem as their browsing and grazing behavior creates a mosaic of habitats that supports many other species and increases the ecosystem’s resistance to drought.

#4: Contribute to cultural heritage

Many keystone species are also culturally significant to humans, as they have played important roles in human history, mythology, or traditional knowledge. For example, salmon is a keystone species in Pacific Northwest cultures, as it has provided food, economic resources, and cultural identity for indigenous communities for thousands of years.

Some Examples of Keystone Species

We know we have mentioned a couple of them already in this post, but let’s take this section to hone in on them.

Keystone species can be found in a variety of ecosystems and can belong to different taxonomic groups. Let’s take a look at some of these ecosystems.

Sea otters

Sea otters are a keystone species in kelp forest ecosystems, as they prey on sea urchins, which are herbivores that can overgraze kelp beds. By controlling the population of sea urchins, sea otters allow kelp forests to thrive, providing habitat for many other species and serving as nurseries for commercial fish species.

African elephants

As we told you earlier, African elephants are also another keystone species you will find in savanna ecosystems. These elephants are large herbivores that feed on trees and shrubs, creating a mosaic of habitats that support many other species. Their browsing and grazing behavior also contribute to the nutrient cycling and seed dispersal of the savanna ecosystem.

Prairie dogs

Prairie dogs are a keystone species in grassland ecosystems. They are burrowing rodents that create complex underground tunnels that improve soil quality, increase water infiltration, and support the growth of grasses and other vegetation. They also provide food for many predators, such as hawks, eagles, and coyotes.


These are other important keystone species worth mentioning. Beavers live in wetland ecosystems and are regarded as keystone species there because of their notorious dam-building activities that create ponds and wetlands that support a wide range of aquatic and terrestrial species. Their dams also help to regulate water flow, prevent erosion, and filter pollutants.


Hummingbirds are a keystone species in many plant-pollinator networks, as they are highly efficient pollinators that visit many different species of flowers. By pollinating a diverse range of plants, hummingbirds contribute to the stability and resilience of plant communities. At the same time, they provide food for many other species that rely on nectar and fruits.

How Do You Identify Keystone Species?

Identifying keystone species can be a complex process that involves a combination of ecological, behavioral, and statistical analyses. But let’s quickly go over some general approaches that scientists use to identify these species.

Looking at their ecological impact

Keystone species have a disproportionately large impact on the structure and function of ecosystems, often through indirect effects on other species. Scientists may measure the ecological impact of a species by observing changes in the abundance, distribution, or diversity of other species in the ecosystem.

For example, if the removal or addition of a species leads to a significant change in the abundance or diversity of other species, it may be considered a keystone species.

Their keystone traits

Some species may be identified as keystone species based on their specific traits or behaviors that have a significant impact on ecosystem dynamics. For example, a species that creates or modifies habitats, regulates nutrient cycling, or facilitates pollination may be considered a keystone species. Scientists may use experimental manipulations or modelling to test the importance of these traits.

Network analysis

Keystone species are often embedded in complex networks of species interactions, such as food webs or mutualistic networks. By analyzing the structure and function of these networks, scientists can identify species that have a particularly important or central role in maintaining the integrity of the network.

For instance, a species that connects different trophic levels or links otherwise disconnected species may be considered a keystone species.

Ways to Conserve Keystone Species

Conserving keystone species is important for maintaining the health and stability of ecosystems. However, identifying and protecting these species can be challenging, as they often have complex ecological roles and interact with many other species in the ecosystem.

Here are some strategies that can be used to conserve keystone species.

  •  Protect habitat

Many keystone species depend on specific habitats for their survival and reproduction. By protecting these habitats, we can ensure that keystone species have the resources they need to thrive. Habitat protection can be achieved through a variety of means, such as establishing protected areas, regulating land use practices, and restoring degraded habitats.

  • Reduce threats

Many of these species are threatened by human activities such as habitat destruction, hunting, and pollution. But when we take away these threats, we can help to ensure the survival of keystone species.

  •  Promote conservation partnerships

Conserving keystone species often requires collaboration among different stakeholders, such as scientists, conservationists, policymakers, and local communities. When there is a good partnership on the ground with local communities wholly engaged, we can increase support for conservation efforts and ensure that conservation strategies are effective and sustainable.

  •  Monitor populations

To ensure the effectiveness of conservation efforts, it is important to monitor the populations of keystone species over time. This can be achieved through a variety of means, such as population surveys, remote sensing, and tracking technologies.

Final Note on How Might You Add Keystone Species to the Concept Map

Keystone species play a crucial role in maintaining the health and stability of ecosystems around the world. Through their various important roles, they help to sustain the biodiversity and resilience of natural systems.

Understanding the ecological functions of keystone species can inform conservation efforts and help us to appreciate the intricate web of life that sustains our planet. We believe the next time you come across this same question, you will already have the in-depth knowledge to answer it. 

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