How To Gain Loyalty Of Gen Z Customers For Your Brand

How To Gain Loyalty Of Gen Z Customers For Your Brand
How To Gain Loyalty Of Gen Z Customers For Your Brand

In the world of business, winning over Gen Z, the young and influential, is the new gold rush. Unlike any generation before them, these digital natives blend the line between trendsetters and change-makers, making them a coveted crowd.

But how do you win this group over to your business to increase sales and stand out in the market? In this post, we will show you all that you need to know to position your brand to not only capture attention but also cultivate loyalty.

Can You Transform the Coolest Kids on the Block into Loyal Customers?

Those born between 1996 and 2010 are called Gen Z, making it challenging for brands to convert them into loyal clients because they are more value-conscious than the previous generations. This bold creative group has been shaped by the Internet and social media platforms. 

Unsurprisingly, they are a force because they are ethnically and racially diverse and have more than $140B in spending power. As mentioned earlier, they have grown up being connected to the world via their smartphones and social media profiles, so they’ll buy only from companies that share their values.

Gen Z customers prefer inclusive brands that promote clear values and strong online communities. This generation has triggered the largest cultural and behavioral shifts over the last few years and will definitely impact the way the world functions in the following years. 

If you’re running a business and started thinking about attracting this younger generation, this is the ideal time to start. The following practices should help you gain their loyalty. 

How to Help Your Brand Capture the Attention of Gen Z and Gain Their Loyalty

#1: Put values first

The secret to attracting Gen Z customers is to share the same values as them. Therefore, when you engage with them on social media, make sure you communicate what motivates you to provide services and products.

This group cares as much about the brand as they do about what it sells. Being transparent and appearing reliable are some of the greatest motivators to pick a business. 

Therefore, you need to approach marketing differently. Instead of trying to sell products, you should focus on sharing with the prospects what your values are and present your brand’s story. 

For example, if you sell clothes, you should be transparent about the fabrics used to manufacture them and how you manage waste because the fashion industry is one of the greatest polluters. You can find more about the process of managing waste at Miltek.      

#2: Promote accountability and transparency

Another effective way to engage this young group is to take accountability if you make any misstep and be transparent about your practices. They are fine with spending time to research the companies they buy from or find out more about a story.

Before purchasing your products, they review your website and social media pages, read comments, and engage with former clients. 

When comparing companies, brand trust is second to price in the list of factors that impact their decision. Several brands failed to attract GenZ clients because they didn’t uphold the standards they promised to follow. 

#3: Collaborate with micro and nano-influencers

Just because this generation spends time researching and engaging with real clients doesn’t mean influencer marketing fails to attract them. They still follow social media personalities for recommendations and reviews, so micro and nano-influencers can guide them towards a company. 

Influencers with small followings interact more with their audience, making them more engaging and delivering better results. Especially because they stay in touch with the public, they generate trust and build personal relationships. 

Studies show that Gen Z customers are more likely than previous generations to buy products based on recommendations from social media personalities. 

#4: Define your brand’s personality

In your quest to attract and retain millennial customers, you mastered the art of producing perfectly curated content. Now, you have to part ways with it because Gen Z customers prefer bold brands. Minimal imagery and sleek content don’t speak to them the same way a brand with a strong personality and voice does. It’s time to make waves in your sector. 

An authentic brand will immediately capture Gen Z’s attention. When you build your brand’s personality, make sure you share with the audiences what you stand for, and don’t try to sell them something you’re not able to achieve. 

#5: Build a community

Sadly, Gen Z is the loneliest generation, so you can provide them with something they’re all longing for – that’s a community. They all want to feel like they’re part of something, and you can encourage them to become active members of your community if you promote values they want to connect over. 

This generation values networking and community for work and personal purposes and, therefore, is interested in joining a group that shares similar principles. It would be a great idea to create groups on social media to allow customers to discuss your services and products or other subjects related to the niche you’re part of. 

You can also use some strategies to create a sense of community for Gen Z customers. 

  • Create memorable and unique social media content
  • Organise giveaways and offer branded merch
  • Conduct social media challenges and encourage the participants to use branded hashtags
  • Open up your premises for walk-ins periodically
  • Organize in-person and virtual events around popular subjects

#6: Entertain your audience

Have you ever wondered why young people follow influencers on social media? Studies report that they engage with social media personalities because they prefer to digest entertaining content and information.

They also turn to social media for content because the information is delivered in a personal setting. They follow the accounts that cater the posts to their specific needs. 

Boring social media posts will get a business nowhere with Gen Z customers. This generation changes their mind fast, and they decide whether they follow or not an influencer according to the quality of the content they produce. 

However, entertaining accounts are quite popular among this group because they are smart, sharp, and usually have a dark sense of humor. 

Therefore, to get along well with this group of customers, you will need to present your brand as one that can take a joke so they can relate to it. 

Why is marketing to Gen Z different?

As you can figure out from this article, marketing to the coolest kids on the block is a little challenging. They are the first customers who are complete strangers to a life without the Internet and rely on it more than other generations.

The fact that they were raised in a digital age has turned them into tech-savvy clients who take the time to research brands and compare products. Therefore, companies must prove they’re authentic in their journey to gain their trust.