From Offline To Online: Finding The Ideal Virtual Conference Platform

From Offline To Online: Finding The Ideal Virtual Conference Platform
From Offline To Online: Finding The Ideal Virtual Conference Platform

With the recent shift from offline to online for lots of events such as workshops, conferences, seminars, or training, it is crucial to find a virtual conference platform that not only meets all your requirements but is also trustworthy.

There is no guarantee to avoid all technical issues which may appear during an online event, yet, with a great platform you may significantly lower the risk and organize a memorable event. But how do you find a virtual conference platform that will help meet your needs without stressing you out with technical issues?

In this post, we will show you what you need to find the ideal virtual conference platform. So keep reading!

Registration for Conferences 

There are basically three methods of registration for a conference, all of them with different pros and cons. One of the ideas may be to use e-mail registration. Such a form of registration does not require the participants to use any complicated software to register, you can also use email to share information with the person who has just registered. 

Another option is to use a registration form on a conference website. Free software will allow you to create such a form easily and quickly. Yet, for both options, you will need another payment software for the fees. 

However, one of the most convenient forms of registration is specially designed software, with a number of options. If you are looking for a virtual conference platform, there are a few worth your attention. You may want to consider such platforms as EventBrite, Whoa, Xing Events, or ConfWare. That means before you opt for any platform, you will need to carefully analyze the features each of them offers and then go with the one that best meets all your needs.

Why Do You Need a Virtual Conference Platform?

Organizing a virtual conference can be a huge challenge, but there are solutions that can make the event successful and memorable. From the registration process to managing applications from speakers and participants, it’s important to have software that simplifies the entire process and gives organizers complete control.

With the right platform, you can easily keep track of fees, schedule registration, and payments, and even offer discounts or special coupons. Guests and presenters will appreciate having a single platform that handles registration, fees, document submissions, and currency management.

A virtual conference platform can also handle tasks like submitting abstracts for review, managing on-site registration, and showcasing sponsored content. Apart from all of these, you can also gather valuable feedback and learn more about your audience by creating questionnaires.

Choosing the Best Virtual Conference Platform 

When choosing the best virtual conference platform, there are a number of factors you will definitely need to consider. Let’s go over some of them here.

  • User-friendliness: Look for a platform that is intuitive and easy to navigate for both organizers and participants. It should have a user-friendly interface that requires minimal technical expertise to operate.
  • Features and functionality: Consider the specific features you require for your conference, such as registration management, live streaming capabilities, interactive tools (e.g., chat, polls, and Q&A), networking options, and session recording capabilities. Ensure that the platform offers the necessary functionality to meet your conference goals.
  • Scalability: Assess the platform’s ability to handle the size and scale of your conference. It should be able to accommodate the number of attendees and sessions you anticipate without compromising performance or user experience.
  • Security and privacy: Virtual conferences involve sharing sensitive information, so security is paramount. Ensure that the platform provides robust security measures, such as encrypted data transmission, secure access controls, and privacy options to protect attendees’ personal information.
  • Technical support: Evaluate the level of technical support provided by the platform. Ensure that there is prompt customer support available in case of any technical issues or questions during the conference.
  • Pricing: Compare the pricing models and packages offered by different platforms. Some of them charge you depending on the number of participants and the cost of the tickets or fees. If you choose a premium package, with comprehensive solutions you will surely pay more than for a cheaper, basic solution.

Final Note

No doubt, finding the ideal virtual conference platform is crucial for hosting a successful and engaging event. With the right platform, organizers can streamline the registration process, manage applications, and track fees effortlessly.

We already showed you some important things to look out for when choosing a virtual conference platform and why you need one for a successful event. Not sure where to start? Consider some of the platforms we recommended in the post to get started.