Challenges in the team building exercises (and how to tackle them)

Challenges in the team building exercises (and how to tackle them)
Challenges in the team building exercises (and how to tackle them)

Every manager dreams of having a team that smoothly works together towards the company’s goals without compromising on their own. However, if you are a business owner or leader, you are aware that not everything goes according to plan. Challenges are present in every field of work, so it is no different when you are trying to build a team.

Because we spend most of the time working, it makes sense for a manager to keep one day aside for in-person team-building activities to break away from work and have some fun in the office. But what if your team struggles in that area due to existing unresolved issues?   

On this page, you will learn how to identify common team-building challenges and what you can do as a manager to overcome them in order to increase productivity and workflow among team members.

Team Building Challenges and How to Overcome Them

#1: Lack of trust between team members

A lack of trust is one such issue that, if not tackled on time, can create a toxic culture. When this happens, communication and cooperation become considerably more difficult, and this can leave a great toll on the entire team.

Trust doesn’t just happen; it is emotion-bound and needs to be earned over time. It needs to be cultivated and requires the right conditions to grow, which team-building exercises can provide.

To begin with, stop micromanaging things and instead, put your faith in the group to solve issues together. Display your willingness to learn, and set clear roles on the table so that everyone knows who is responsible for what. Do those corporate team building activities that help build trust? 

#2: Lack of communication

The main reason for the failure of any project is frequently ineffective or poor communication. A team member who operates autonomously and withholds information jeopardizes the results in the end. Not only it affects the morale of your employees but leads to conflict amongst them. You can try to take them out for brunch and dinner in order to break down formal barriers and get them talking. 

Nowadays, most employees are working remotely, which makes it even more imperative to spend on team-building activities to make everyone feel valued and connected. Digital technology such as Zoom calls and Google Meet has made it simpler to maintain open communication irrespective of location. Include your team mates when deciding which team-building activity is right for you. 

#3: Poor performance by your team members

Another challenge in team building that you cannot overlook is subpar performance. Keeping a blind eye to performance issues will simply demoralize the entire team. Therefore, don’t put off having those difficult conversations with others. Gather everyone and find out who is not performing up to the limit.

If you want, you can address your team individually but make sure your tone is not demeaning but motivating. Find out the reasons why they are not performing well and how you can support them. Your empathetic attitude will instill confidence in your teammates.

You can even try to use an AI Meeting Summary tool that will help your remote workers be more productive and not waste any time on note-taking or similar tasks when holding an important virtual meeting. 

#4: Role confusion

Collaboration with your fellow employees and teamwork are among the essential factors for a successful organization. However, effective collaboration can only happen when tasks are clearly defined. In the absence of a framework regarding responsibilities and duties, teammates tend to work in chaos.

This confusion can go a long way to affect the cohesiveness and functionality of the team. As a manager, what you can do is make sure that the roles and duties of each team member are clearly stated. Each task should be thoroughly defined and shared with the entire team.

Learning the art of assignment is a duty of a lender that can not only help your teammates but allows you to focus on strategic issues also more clearly. 


It is indeed true that teamwork makes the dream work, but it is not always easy. Effective teamwork is challenging in practice because its success depends upon your employees’ willingness to connect with each other and share a common goal.

From handling their work to setting targets, it is not possible for you to do everything. That is why you need extra help in the form of a professional who can execute team-building strategies for you. Those strategies will also help to overcome the aforementioned challenges you are facing in your company.